Sunday, February 22, 2009

WA-5 Draft 2

The Bride and the Cake

I woke up and looked outside the window of my hotel room to see that is was a beautiful day and that there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. My stomach bubbled in anticipation of getting to marry the man of my dreams. Every aspect was going to be perfect, even the cake was the best cake I had ever seen in my life. It was a beautiful six layer cake with pink candy roses going around every layer. The wedding was at four o’clock meaning I only had six hours to get myself and everyone else ready.
Two hours before the wedding and the cake is nowhere to be found. I can’t believe not one person can find the cake, it couldn’t have just disappeared.
“Where the stupid cake?!” I yelled in growing anger. Of course no one responds though, why should it matter what the bride wants right? Finally almost half an hour later I hear a voice call from downstairs,
“The cake has just arrived, and it looks great!” A wave of relief went through my body at that moment; I could finally focus on what really mattered. The wedding was had on a beautiful tropical beach in Hawaii. It was like I was hypnotized the whole time the only thing that I remember saying was,
“I do.” Tears were flowing down my cheeks and an overwhelming sense of joy going through my body. The reception afterwards was just as great as the wedding. Beautiful glasses and table sets on every table, it was truly a sight to see. As me and my husband John walked in, I immediately noticed the cake. It was stunning; I was ready to skip dinner just to have a piece of the breath taking cake.
Dinner was excellent; everything was perfect, from the salad to the main course of prime rib; which was beautifully cooked to perfection. Now it was time for the best part the cake. I wasn’t about to forget that. I skipped out a little on dinner just to save room for the cake. We all lined up for cake and my husband and I were the first in line. As the caterer was cutting the cake, I had a funny thought. What if the cake was scared to be here? What if the cake had thoughts and feelings? What if the cake was silently sobbing on the inside saying, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.” the poor cake most likely had a fear of utensils, I would be scared too if a big three pronged object came at me trying break a piece of me off.
As I sat down and started eating my piece of cake a slight feeling of guilt flushed over me. I really had a feeling that we had hurt the cake, but it was so good and scrumptious I couldn’t help but eat it. I went to bed that night slightly disturbed. I didn’t mention it to my husband because I knew he wouldn’t believe me, I guess I will never know if the cake had feelings.

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