Sunday, October 12, 2008

WA2-Final Draft

Two Squirrels and a Storm

It was a beautiful day in Tiny Creature Forest. Everything was going as it usually would. The sun was shining and all the little creatures of Tiny Creature Forest were merrily frolicking around without a care in the world. In another part of the forest though, two brothers were just waking up. Marco and Polo were the most popular squirrels in the forest. They were known for their many adventures and also their amazing skill with the lady squirrels. Little did Marco and Polo know, they were about to have the adventure of their lives.

Marco was the first to come out of the tree dwelling and go look for acorns for him and his brother to eat for breakfast. Polo was awake but he had decided lay in bed like always until he found something interesting enough to make him come out. Marco wasn't having any luck finding acorns, they were becoming harder and harder to find because the economy was in such a poor state. By the time Marco returned to the dwelling Polo had fallen asleep on the mossy floor. "Wake up dude," said Marco with an air of annoyance in his voice. Polo opened one eye and groggily said "Did you bring me back my breakfast yet?"
"Yeah, I did, but I shouldn’t even give you an acorn because you didn’t help me at all."
"Hey," said Polo suddenly awake now, "I only stayed here because I didn’t want to leave the house unattended for some weird bird to come take over." Marco being used to Polo's excuses gave up the argument and handed Polo his acorn. So there they sat gnawing away at their acorns. From the distance a low rumble could be heard, but from the over whelming crunch of their acorns Marco and Polo were completely oblivious to the sound.

They became aware of the noise when the loud crack of thunder shook their tree. Polo pointed towards the door as if to say lets go check it out. "Are you crazy? We don’t know what could be out there. What if its one of those things that walks on two legs." Marco said in a raspy whisper. "Come on," said Polo. "Are you chicken?" This made Marco scamper over to the door and put his little soft furry claw on it. He gently pushed it open until he and his brother could see out of it. Then WHOOSH, Marco was swept away by a gust of wind, he disappeared into the wall of rain coming out of the sky. Polo almost in tears yelled, "Marco!" and faintly in the distance you could here Marco yell back, "Polo!" Then he was gone, Marco was gone. With this sudden realization Polo stumbled lazily back onto one of the only two pieces of furniture they had. Marcos bed.

Marco was never seen again after the storm. It was said that he was blown all the way to Never Never Land, it was also said that he just went up in the sky and never came back down. Whatever happened to Marco still left Polo without a brother. Polo would never be the same again, and will always have a whole in his heart where his brother used to reside.

Justin Bernard